Photo by: Gordon Dickins


The Wrekin Forest is situated in the heart of Shropshire and is surprisingly easy to reach. The Explore section of the website provides a range of information for first time visitors and those more familiar with the famous Midlands landmark… just don’t ask us about giants!

Visiting The Wrekin

Visiting The Wrekin

Whether walking, cycling or visiting the area by public transport, there are a range of options for visiting the Wrekin Forest. Here, you’ll find a wealth of details for planning your journey and what you can find when you get here.

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Five Hills One Forest

Five Hills One Forest

The Wrekin range encompasses five very different hills with their own distinctive characters. With a geological heritage of significance to all life and Earth and some of the most varied soils in Shropshire, the forest is a special place for some equally diverse wildlife.

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Visiting Wellington

Visiting Wellington

Lying just a mile from the forest, Wellington is The Wrekin’s market town and the two enjoy a shared history stretching back well over a thousand years. Whether cycling, walking or visiting by train or car, it’s an excellent place to begin and end your journey.

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Wrekin Forest FAQs

Wrekin Forest FAQs

Despite being among Shropshire’s principal natural attractions a distinct air of mystery surrounds The Wrekin. In this section, we attempt to remove some of the confusion by answering a range of questions on the area, both past and present.

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